Outfits Week of 9/7

We are back with some outfit pictures! Since having my baby I have found it very hard to dress my new body. I am exclusively breastfeeding so I’ve retained some weight from my pregnancy. I was initially wearing really big flowing tops and I finally realized that that was making me look bigger instead of smaller. It can be hard to wear more form fitting clothing items but it actually makes you look smaller rather than bigger. I mostly wear comfortable clothing because I am up and down on the floor lifting a baby all day so I don’t like to feel restricted.

I have been working from home which has led to a much more casual style. Sometimes I head into the office to do in person tasks like on Tuesday so I threw on some flats for that. Dressing down was fun at first but I can’t wait until we are back in the office and I can get back to my normal style. Also gotta love my old lady slippers on my Friday lewk!

Maddie’s Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are one of my fav breakfasts! I usually make this if I have a busy day ahead or know I will be tight on time in the morning. They are quick to eat and keep me full until lunch.


  • ½ Cup Oats (I have used old fashioned and quick oats and both work great)
  • ½ Cup Milk
  • ¼ Yogurt
  • Handful of Blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • Sprinkle of Walnuts
  • Pinch of Shredded Coconut


  1. Pour the oats followed by the milk in a jar.
  2. Spoon in yogurt.
  3. Top with blueberries, walnuts, and shredded coconut.
  4. Seal and refrigerate overnight.
  5. Yum!

Zero Food Waste Chicken Broth

I love following Debtkickin Mom on YouTube! She has inspired me to cut down on food waste with her simple and practical tips. One of her recipes is a zero food waste chicken broth. While chicken broth/stock is fairly inexpensive at the store, why spend the money when you can literally make it for free and control everything that goes into it with minimal effort? This recipe is great because it isn’t really a recipe and it turns out great every time. Just throw in what you have to make a delicious nutritious chicken broth!

Step 1: Save your chicken bones and veggie scraps! We make a whole chicken pretty regularly using this instant pot recipe so we throw the carcass in the freezer as part of our cleanup, but you can stock up on any other kind of leftover chicken bones that you have. Similarly we save veggie odds and ends (onions, garlic, peppers, squash, carrots) in the freezer until we have 1-2 full quart-sized bags.

Step 2: Add your chicken bones and veggies to your crock pot, fill with water, season with salt and pepper, and set on low overnight. When you wake up the house will smell AMAZING!

The morning after

Step 3: Strain your broth and discard the veggies/bones. We save any extra meat as treats for our cat and dog.

Step 4: Fill your jars. As you can see below my crockpot produced 5 jars of chicken broth. I use recycled spaghetti and salsa jars to store the broth.

Step 5: Enjoy the broth in soups, stews, and stoups!