Spring Equinox Celebration

This week we took time to celebrate the Spring Equinox. The tulips I planted this past Autumn have started to grow and we have had some very warm days this week. Life is good! I got us a few spring books from the library.

For our activity we made fairy houses. Well we have technically only made one so far. It took far longer than I thought it would. I found this picture/post on Pinterest and used it as my inspiration. We got plastic milk bottles to use. I’ve done a few crafts with the paper ones and it’s hard for things to stick to and I thought the plastic would last longer since I plan to have the houses outside in our backyard. The day before the project we went on a “foraging walk” and found sticks, rocks, pinecones and what greenery we could. I bought some fake baby’s breath and glue from the store. I would have bought moss as well but they were out.

We filled the milk bottles halfway with rocks to weight them down. The first half of this was rough!! I used the Tacky Glue the blog post said to use and it was terrible! Like took forever to dry, the sticks were falling off and Pal was getting frustrated (as was I). We would put a few sticks on then sit there for a bit while it sorta dried. Pal was very patient about it. Once I attached the roof I was done messing around and got the hot glue out. It was so much nicer. I’ll be doing hot glue on the rest of the houses. I figured this Tacky glue would make the houses last longer but omg it was such a hassle. Anyway once I got the hot glue it went wayyyy faster. And I was able to manipulate the material much easier. Here is how the first one turned out.

I think this would be such a cute seasonal project to do. You could use different materials that represent the current season (l’m thinking autumn leafs for the roof or summer flowers and foliage). Im also thrilled with the result because I’ve been wanting a fairy village in our backyard but man those can be spendy! This was nearly free! I bought the glue and baby’s breath which was $5 (and I didn’t even need the glue!). The milk bottle was up-cycled and all the other material was from around our yard and neighborhood.

My tips!

The foraging walk was with all 3 children but I knew Bud, who’s 2, would get frustrated with the actual building. So Pal and I did this project at nap time.

We started the project outside which was lovely! But once we needed to hot glue we took it inside. I always enjoy doing crafts outside for easy clean up and fresh air.

My biggest tip is just use the hot glue!