What We Eat in a Day

Emily here! Sharing what me, Pal (3), and Bud (12months) eat in a day.

We always start the day with coffee and bottles. (Coffee is for me obvi). So upon waking up the boys get 4oz of milk and me a cup of coffee. About 30 min later Bud is hungry so we have breakfast. This day we had banana pancakes. I added Nutella for all. Bud doesn’t like eggs so he got sliced cheese instead (some days I still offer eggs to Bud). Also he doesn’t really like strawberries so he got blueberries instead.

Next Pal and Bud had a mid morning snack of freeze dried apples.

Next was nap time. Both boys got another bottle before their naps. We like to have full bellies before naps in our house. I ate leftover Mac and cheese and broccoli for lunch.

The boys wake up at different times from their naps so we have snacks. Also they don’t like to sit for a meal after their naps for a long time. Here was todays variety. Mango, goldfish, crackers, and fruit pouch. We played outside and then I got everyone inside with another bottle of milk (we have big milk drinkers in this house).

Dinner was leftover orzo pasta with butter, fruit, and cottage cheese. (Bud had more than 7 blueberries but he eats them very fast). I ate enchiladas after they went to bed and forgot to take a picture of it. Bud got another bottle of milk before bed.

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